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Computers are my hobby since I was a child. Passionate software engineer, eager to learn about any field of computer engineering.
Clikalia 📆 April 2022 - Current
Promoted to Tech Lead in December 2022. Work on the implementation of good practices and migration to Typescript. Leading team coordination to align technology with company purposes.
Gamestry 📆 September 2021 - April 2022
Mid Backend Developer in Gamestry startup. Using NodeJS together with Typescript. Development of new monetization features, migration from Heroku to Google App Engine and deploy automatization.
ISA Group - University of Seville. 📆 February 2018 - August 2019 / April 2020 - September 2021
Technical Engineer in the Applied Software Engineering Research Group ( ). Development of web applications with Microservices Architecture, based on Restful API. Microservices refactoring and reengineering of automated system deployment.
VASSIT UK - London 📆 August 2019 - April 2020
Developer in the Salesforce environment with APEX code in a project of payments by Application (PagoFX). Development also of a project with Node.JS and Mongo as an internal tool for the practice of technology certification exams.
Minecub - Jerez, Spain 📆 June 2016 - February 2018
Development of Java extensions for multiplayer servers and management of multiple dedicated machines intended for player load distribution.
Master's Degree focused on the Cloud branch, completed with several Honors. Master's thesis called "Framework for massive tasks executions based on the FaaS paradigm", dedicated to the development of a Framework capable of orchestrating distributed workloads in AWS Lambda, with the ability to simulate multiple users for the use of multiple users for Testing, Scraping or Pentesting uses, ended with a grade of 10.
Graduate in Computer Software Engineering. Finished with several honors and specialized with subjects such as Soft Computing Intelligent Access to Information, and Artificial Intelligence. Final thesis on a tool to control and monitor microservices architectures, ended with a grade of 10.